Welcome To YCSRA-About Us
Yakima County School Retirees’ Association (YCSRA) is one of 29 local units which comprise Washington State School Retirees’ Association. YCSRA is the largest unit in the state with nearly 1500 members, both active and retired school employees. Our members are from the city of Yakima as well as the surrounding area including the upper and lower Yakima Valley.
Yakima County School Retirees’ Association meets the first Monday of the month in October, November, December, February, March, April & May. We gather at 12:30 pm for snacks and socializing. The program begins at 1:00 pm and runs until 3:00 pm. It is a great place to meet new friends and greet old ones. We sincerely invite you to attend. Meetings are held at the Englewood Christian Church, 511 N. 44th Avenue, Yakima, Washington.
Washington State School Retirees’ Association is the oldest and largest organization in the state working for the maintenance and improvement of pension benefits for all school employees. With nearly 17,000 members, an Executive Director, a paid lobbyist and a volunteer Legislative Committee, we are very intentional and effective as we work with the legislature every day that it is in session. We get results. WSSRA is the “squeaky wheel” that is very much needed.

In 2023 we gave a total of $12,065.82 in teacher grants. Teacher grant applications for 2024 will be available in the future. Check back for the application on the here.